Different bases fit for a city fight army

When I constructed the new Grey Knight / Inquisitor army, I wondered what kind of base the Grey Knights Marines would stand on. As the Grey Knights would be called in for help defending a shrine or other important temple or building from the attacks of Chaos. The fights would also mostly take place in populated areas.
I therefore constructed a simple but varied base design to match the theme.
The marines would stand on pavement tiles in different patterns. The pavement would be damaged on some places an definitely cluttered with all kind of debris.


And the introduction of 'Cities of Death' later on hit the hammer on the nail. The theme fitted perfectly This is how it is done:
I cut 1cm x 1cm squares from normal flat cardboard sheet. An d believe me I cut a lot of them.
The tiles are glued on the base using a pavement pattern. For variation I glued some different patterns and some broken tiles in.
The small base just accommodated a single tile. And with the staring position altered every base a lot of different bases were created. The small slot bases formed another challenge.

The debris on the bases is glued on together it the model.
I wanted the model to blend in the surroundings as natural as possible. Therefore I mostly adjusted the pose of the Marine as required and added the necessary debris based on the model.
For debris I used whatever I could get my hands on. I had a box filled with spare gothic sprues which has been uses for the bigger pieces. All kind of real stones in all sizes completed the lot.
So far for the most bases.


Characters and special models

Servo skull The bases of the servo-skulls and cherubim's needed more body! The base was cluttered with debris starting with a large chunk of rock. Tiles and smaller rocks were added where needed. The big advantage of this approach is that the servo skulls are not standing on thick (ugly) sticks but seem to float over heap of stones.
When painted the stand is not even visible anymore.

commandersThe commanders are in for a treat. The captain Stern model and the bother captain are fixed on a large round base. The first was fitted on top of a small wall end the second placed in front of a large remaining gothic window.
Not able to choose the best of the two bases. I fitted both models with two magnets in their boots. The corresponding magnets in the base are identical so the models can be interchanged.


A basecoat of scorched brown was applied for he tiles. Followed by a first highlight of xxxxx.
The tile effect was created by painting a second highlight on the tiles with a slightly lighter color. The rocks were all painted in exactly he same way. A mix of black and white to create a greenish gray. The rocks were highlighted with several blends of gray topped with pure white.
Individual appearances were creating by adding green and brown details to the rocks.